Penny’s Grandma Schaunaman at age 15.
I come from generations of farmers and ranchers, so I know how the drought in recent years has hurt us. But drought is not the only problem. For generations, Montana farmers and ranchers have been the backbone of food source providers for our state, country and abroad. Why is it then that, for too many years, our farmers and ranchers have been hurting because of lower profits? It's not because of the quality of what we produce. Quite simply, our agricultural profits are shifting from the producer to the corporations. Making a living is getting harder and harder for our farmers and ranchers – to the point that it’s not economically viable to invest in agriculture. If this keeps up our beef will have a "Made in Brazil" label and our wheat will say "Made in China.” This should scare all Americans.
As a U.S. Congresswoman from Montana, I will work with representatives of other states to stand up for our farmers and ranchers and to make sure that the voices of those that produce our food are heard.
Penny’s dad with his siblings and family.
What We Can Do
Listen to farmers and ranchers (see many of their recommendations below)
Increase social value of U.S. raised meat products
Reinstate mandatory Country of Origin labeling
Ensure competitive practices in the meatpacking industry
Develop/Incentivize cooperatives
Increase number of [local] distributed meatpacking businesses
Discourage meat product imports from nations without similar agriculture and environmental regulations
Encourage meat product exports
Increase mental health resources to rural communities
Address concentrated animal feeding practices
Address Estate Taxes
Address trucking regulations
Address farm labor costs
Penny’s mom with her siblings and parents.