A Second Congressional Seat

How Big is Montana

With the results of the 2020 U.S. Census, Montana gained a second Congressional seat. 535 elected officials serve in the U.S. Congress. 100 in the U.S. Senate and 435 in the U.S. House of Representatives. Each state is equally represented in the U.S. Senate with 2 Senators. State representation in the U.S. House of Representatives is based on population. Because Montana grew in population and other states declined in population a shift in representation among the states occurred. Montana gained a seat while another state lost a seat. Once Census numbers are determined the process for redistricting a state begins within each state. Montana's 2 Congressional districts are now as pictured below. I am running in Montana Congressional District 2, which covers every county and tribal reservation within the light gray area pictured in central and eastern Montana. As you can see, geographically, this is a BIG area! 


Driving to the different counties costs money. Hotel rooms cost money. While I am working the campaign full time, I am not paying myself to campaign, which candidates are legally allowed to do. 

If you are able to contribute any amount to our campaign, I would be grateful! We have an amazing team working hard every day and I am so proud of the work we are doing. We invite you to join our team!

We are about People Over Politics! 

Thank you!




Meet & Greet!