Build Bridges

Gorge Bridge

Throughout the world and with footprints on the moon, we can see the ability of human greatness. Throughout time, people have worked together to achieve what some said was impossible. This is a picture of the Royal Gorge Bridge in Colorado that my mom took in 1969, the same year man first stepped on the moon. 

The bridge was built in 1929. 

When people work together greatness happens. 

When people work together countries build economies that allow for the discovery of life saving medicine, transportation that allows for cross cultural learning and sharing, education systems that allow for the development of future generations, and the gift of the arts to help expand all of our minds and our hearts. 

When people work together hardship is lessened, recovery is quickened, and possibility opens. 

Together we build hope. And, Together, we build bridges of greatness.


Low-Income Households


Seeds Will Sprout