In Each Community

The Hi-Line Landscape

Spent the past 4 days in Harlem, Havre, Big Sandy, and Helena! I am grateful to the folks that meet with me and spend time talking with me about their community, their lives, the challenges they face, what changes they want to see in government, and how they believe government can better serve them. In each community I go to, I spend time with and listening to small business owners and different population groups. While communities in our state vary in economic development, the main three topics that come up every time and in every community are: 

  • Healthcare including prices for prescription drugs

  • Affordable housing

  • Agriculture including unfair pricing practices, drought, and grasshoppers 

To date, people in every community have brought up one or more, most often all three, of these issues. It's not mattered the person's age either. These are the topics I hear about in every community. 

In regard to Ag, the drought and grasshoppers have ravaged so much of Montana's Ag lands and crops. Folks in the Ag industry are hurting and need help. 

One way we can all help is to buy local. Seek out local co-ops or local producers to learn how to buy directly from farmers, ranchers, and co-ops in your area.


Candidate Forum In Helena


Four City Debate Series