The 6th Democratically Elected President

Rosendale and Cawthorn

Ukraine has been an independent country for over 30 years. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the 6th democratically elected president to hold office in Ukraine. Putin has invaded a democratic country with the intent to take over the democratic government and control the country. 

THIS is who Rosendale is. He is unwilling to send AID to a democratic nation whose people are being murdered, historic treasures are being destroyed, and cities are being overrun. 

He is unwilling to send AID to people demonstrating unimaginable courage in the face of their enemy, our enemy, the enemy of our NATO Allies. 

THIS is who Rosendale is. 

THIS is NOT who the American people are. THIS is not what our country, our flag, and our values stand for. 

Montanans deserve better. America deserves better. Ukraine deserves better.


In Helena With Jon Tester


This Is About Our American Values