Penny’s Thoughts
Protecting The Night Sky
The first piece of legislation I worked on and got passed was an ordinance for the City of Livingston protecting the night sky.
Public Safety Funding
This is critically needed public safety funding for Montana! For too long, local, state, and federal public safety departments and agencies have operated on bare bones budgets.
We Laughed, We Cheered
Thank you to all of the Billings volunteers that came out for a night of action! We laughed, we cheered, we made calls, and we Zoomed with Great Falls!
History Reveals Our Error
Humbleness of heart is the quality of a great leader. Humility recognizes and acknowledges wrong doing, and works to change oneself or a course of action for the betterment of all.
A Toll On Montana Agriculture
Drought, market volatility, agricultural profits shifting from the producer to corporations, and rural isolation have taken a toll on Montana agriculture.
Low-Income Households
In Montana, more than 70% of low-income households are paying more than 30% of their income on housing.
Build Bridges
Throughout the world and with footprints on the moon, we can see the ability of human greatness.
Seeds Will Sprout
“There is a story that, early in the invasion, when the first Russian soldiers entered southern Ukraine, an old woman approached them.
Wonderful Dinner
Thank you to the Carbon County Democratic Central Committee for hosting a wonderful dinner and debate! Excellent questions, enjoyable company, and delicious pizza. Thank you to all!